Shopping List



Depending on assortment and shopping habits, customers may wish to have shopping lists, so they can reorder similar or identical products more quickly and easily.

Provide your customers this comfort and benefit in the PepperShop.

The shopping list module shows a “add to list” button for each product, so shop customers can place products on any shopping list. These shopping lists are available for your guests as well as logged in customers. The ordering effort for recurring or similar orders is reduced considerably. Any number of shopping lists can be created.

Products on the shopping list can be put back into the shopping cart with just one click. This also applies to completed orders. With just one click, a previously placed order is taken over as a shopping list - just one more click and the shopping cart is filled.

We would be happy to show you how it works with a video:


Basic settings that affect the entire module:

Lists Without Login

Allows the creation of shopping lists without customer login.

Session Duration

This is the runtime of the lists without login. The garbage collection checks whether there are shopping lists that have no new products added since the specified time (in seconds). Corresponding lists are deleted.

Show in Main Navigation

Choose if a link to the customer-side shopping list administration is displayed in the main navigation or not.

Request an Offer

With this your shop customers can request an offer basing on a previously created shopping list. To do this, they will find a button with the name Request an offer in the shopping list overview.

The offer request is only shown if at least one of the products in the shopping list meets one of the following criteria:

Category The product must be located directly in this category
or product field with value The respective field of the product corresponds to your specification


In the shop administration you will find a menu item called Shopping list analysis in the Marketing area.

Figure 1: Evaluation watch list

This analysis tool with its possibility to sort according to various attributes and to set filters, helps to gain an overview of the use of shopping lists .

User Interface Elements of the Shopping List

The module provides various user interface elements for creating, assigning, viewing and taking over shopping lists to the shop:

Shopping Lists

Figure 2: Watch lists

This page serves as a central administration mask for all shopping lists and offers the customer the following functions:

  • Overview of all shopping lists and their products
  • Creating new lists
  • Deleting of lists or one or several products
  • Transferring lists to shopping cart
  • Offer request

The shopping list itself shows the name, category and date when added to list for each product. Each product can be removed from the shopping list with a simple click on ‘delete’.

When clicking on the product name, the visitor is immediately redirected to the product. There he can add it to his shopping cart in the desired quantity .

With the button Add to cart the selected products of the active shopping list are put into the shopping cart.

The Request an offer button, on the other hand, is only available to the customer if the conditions for the Offer request are fulfilled. It ensures that an offer request for the products is sent to the contact e-mail address of the shop. It does not matter which products are selected.

Behavior for Parent / Sub Products (Variants)

The PepperShop offers support for parent / sub products (variants) products. E.g. it is possible to present a product, which is offered in different sizes and colors.

Figure 3: Behaviour

Products that use standard PepperShop variants can also be added to the shoppinglist, but they are not automatically added back to the shop if you want to reorder them. Instead, they are directly linked so that the customer simply clicks on the product again and selects the variant. In the case of modern parent / subarticles, no additional selection of the variant is necessary.

Product Details: Add To List button

In the detail view of a product the add to list button is displayed, which, as the name implies, adds the product to a shopping list.

Figure 4: Remember

This is only possible if the shop visitor is logged in with a user, or if the setting Lists without login is activated. If both do not apply, the visitor will be asked to login.

Customer Area: My Shopping List

When displaying the customer address data, additional elements of various modules can be found at the very end, including an element from the shopping list module:

Figure 5: Customer area

Under My products, a link named Shopping lists, including the number of added products, is displayed. With a click on this link the user is redirected to the overview of the shoppint lists.

This link is only displayed if the setting Show in main navigation is enabled (top part of customer side).

Figure 6: Favourite

The link leads the user to the created shopping lists.

Further help

Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with different options.

  • Often a click in the administration on the top right on the question mark icon helps. Here you can get direct help on the relevant topic.
  • We are also available to you by email