FAQ pos settings
In this guide you will find various questions and answers on the subject of 21st POS settings
How can I change my password?
You can change your password directly in the web cash register. To do this, select Settings > Change password in the menu and change your password.
Can I cancel the current order completely?
You can reset or cancel the current order. To do this, select Settings > Reset order in the menu. The current order is reset and you can now enter a new order.
What payment options are available?
The following payment options are available in the web checkout:
- Cash payment
- Payment by invoice
- Maestro
- Credit card
- PostFinance Card
- Jelmoli Bonus Card
The payment methods can be activated under Web checkout -> Configuration. To do this, hold down the Shift key and select your preferred payment methods.
How can I create a new user?
You can add a new user for the Webkasse. To do this, you can create a new user via the Web cash register > New cash register user/login tab.
Click the Create new user button and fill in the fields marked with * and then save.
How can I edit a user?
You can edit an existing cash register user via the Webkasse > Cash register user/login tab. To do this, select the user to be edited and edit the data using the button.
Further help
Do you need further support?
- It often helps to click on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the administration. Here you will receive direct help on the relevant topic.
- We are also happy to help you by e-mail swiss21-support@peppershop.com