First sale POS
Introduction This guide is about how to sell an item. Video Anleitung Create cash register user We would be happy to show you how to create a cash register user using a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnFeKe8N-xA Login After you have configured the web cash register, you can proceed to the login. In the shop administration you will find a section called “Web Checkout”. Once you are in this area, you can click on “Checkout User/Login” at the top. »
First Steps POS
Introduction These instructions will tell you everything you need to know to get started quickly with 21.POS. More detailed instructions, if available, are linked to the respective chapters. On the right-hand side you will find a chapter overview where you can jump directly to the desired topic. Video Administration In Administration, you can manage and customise your checkout: you can enter items, view your most recent purchases, customise the design of the checkout interface and much more. »
Open cash register interface
Open cash register interface There are various ways in which the cash register can be opened. directly when opening the cash register user in the setup wizard from the backend (Web cash register - Cash register user/login - Login) via the webshop (Login - Profile - Go to checkout) Prerequisite: checkout user must be created IMPORTANT: In order to be able to log in to the web cash register, a corresponding cash register user must have been created with which you can log in. »