21.Shop system-settings



Introduction 21.AbaNinja is the financial accounting system from Swiss21.org. You can link 21.AbaNinja directly with 21.COMMERCE and thus automatically synchronise all sales and orders with 21.AbaNinja. In this guide, we explain how to configure the interface, how the data is synchronised and answer the most frequently asked questions. Advantages of the interface Setup in a few minutes: You can connect 21.AbaNinja to 21.COMMERCE with just a few clicks and start immediately. »

PDF Printing

Introduction If you can print a usable delivery note at the push of a button, you will save a lot of time and money. Depending on the processing, however, it makes more sense to use the delivery note from AbaNinja. In addition, this system extension serves as the basis for the web-based POS system 21.COMMERCE POS, which uses it to generate A4 receipts. With this module for elegant PDF documents can be created for each order received. »

Delivery Countries & Shipping

Introduction Would you like to create shipping options in your shop? Then you’ve come to the right place! With the help of these instructions, you can not only display the shipping options, but also adapt them to your needs in detail. Now for the implementation: Video Categories Country Groups In the shop administration, you can select Country Group 1 under Settings>Delivery countries/Shipping>. You then get to the mask for editing Country Group 1. »

Languages translation

Language settings in 21.Shop and 21.POS 21.Commerce can be used in five different languages German, English, French, Italian and Romansh. When 21.SHOP and 21.POS are opened for the first time, the default language of your browser is adopted. Other languages must first be configured in the app: go to Settings > Languages. under + Uninstalled languages you now have the option of setting up additional languages - this may take a few minutes. »

Social Bookmarking

Introduction Create ShareThis account ShareThis is the basic software used in the module to connect all external services. The service is free of charge. It is necessary to create a ShareThis account in order to obtain detailed statistics on shop visitor access to this bookmarking and sharing service. You can also personalise the design of the display directly on ShareThis. To create a ShareThis account, open the URL https://sharethis.com/de/ and register. »

Umsetzung CH-DSG / EU-DSGVO

Einleitung Seit dem 25. Mai 2018 ist die europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (EU-DSGVO) wirksam. Per 1. September 2021 tritt in der Schweiz das revidierte Datenschutzgesetz in Kraft. Das neue Regelwerk gilt für alle Unternehmen und Institutionen, welche personenbezogene Daten von Personen mit Sitz in der Schweiz bearbeiten. Was heisst das? Firmen, welche einen Sitz in der Schweiz haben, ihre Ware oder Dienstleistungen Bewohnern der Schweiz anbieten oder deren Verhalten beobachten, sind betroffen. »


Introduction With the help of the reCAPTCHA module, the human / machine query mechanism from reCAPTCHA can be integrated into the Swiss21 Shop in order to exclude spam bots, for example. This makes it possible to keep bots off forms and thus avoid spam. The captcha (display of the verification question and evaluation) can be integrated anywhere into the Swiss21 Shop. This has already been implemented in the contact form, for the Tell-A-Friend ad and some other places. »

FAQ system settings

Introduction In this guide you will find various questions and answers on the subject of 21. system settings How can I edit my shop information? You can edit your shop information under Shop settings > General settings. Here you have the option of editing your own address or activating VAT. You can also enter the e-mail address for orders or the contact details. In the Shop configuration tab, you can edit your unit of measurement, item sorting or cookie warning, among other things. »

SMTP settings

Introduction In this guide, we explain step by step how to make the SMTP settings. The SMTP settings are used to ensure that you continue to receive order confirmation emails. What is an SMTP port? An SMTP port is a communication endpoint that is responsible for transferring information from one server to another. While SMTP ensures the delivery of most emails over the Internet, ports ensure that emails reach their destination. »
